Star Wars 1313 & Disney: Is Star Wars Dead?

By Aria Darabi /

Star Wars 1313 was going to be a third-person, action-adventure video game developed by Lucas Arts. After Disney shut down Lucas Arts on April 3rd, they stopped any projects being developed by them as well (ergo, they cancelled '1313'). Not only was that a major blow to the gaming industry, but it was also a huge blow to gamers. For once we would have had our hands on a mature Star Wars game that didn't feature dancing on the death star or waving our hands around like a human bat. But no, Disney had to burst our bubble. For me, Star Wars 1313 was meant to replace the cancelled 'Battlefront 3'. Not only did it provide that classic, adventurous 'Star Wars' feeling; but it was a fresh, new take on its universe. We've been accustomed to the 'happy-go-lucky' style of Star Wars movies and we've been waiting for something new. 1313 was supposed to be a gritty, darker version of Star Wars - a "Star Wars for adults," so to speak. Disney needs to learn that the majority of its Star Wars fanbase are adults - gamers want something that isn't aimed at children for once.
For those who haven't heard about 'Star Wars 1313' before; it was basically a different take on the Star Wars universe. You play as a bounty hunter in Coruscant's subterranean 1313 level underworld. The game doesn't allow you to wield a lightsaber or use force powers, but it allows you to use various gadgets and weapons (similar to Boba Fett's arsenal). If you haven't seen the video, you definitely should to get a feel for the gameplay.I would compare its 'duck and cover' shooting system to the likes of Gears of War which is definitely refreshing for the Star Wars universe. However, there are also a few on-the-rails, 'survive your way from A to B' segments that some gamers would enjoy. It is definitely something new for Star Wars and it's a pity seeing '1313' being canned.
However, there is hope! Disney released a statement that read;
"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company's risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games," the statement continued, €œAs a result of this change, we've had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles."
Does this mean Disney didn't kill 1313 after all? Only time will tell. Although it is unlikely we'll be getting a 'noire' Star Wars film any time soon, here's to hoping that Star Wars 1313 lives! What do you think? Should the new Star Wars movie take some pointers from 1313? Let us know in the comments section below!