Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Playable Villains It Must Include

The Dark Side gets all the cool powers, anyway.

By George Foster /


The villains of Star Wars are just about as iconic as its heroes. Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt are all some of the most recognisable characters in sci-fi history, let alone just being the most known villains in the franchise. And, seeing as Star Wars Battlefront 2 is confirmed to take influence, characters and iconography from all three eras (Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy and the Clone Wars), it has a wealth of options when it comes to the dark side.


Because of this, Battlefront 2 has quite the variety of villains that it absolutely needs to feature. Many of these characters have great potential in terms of their gameplay and special moves, especially with the wider variety of Force powers available to the Sith.

Including all of these villains would bring DICE one step further to regaining the trust of loyal Star Wars fans, as considering how poorly the original Battlefront went down, that must be one of the biggest things on their mind when assembling this sequel.


If DICE are taking suggestions, here are ten Star Wars villains that absolutely need to appear in Battlefront 2.