Star Wars: Battlefront - Every Screenshot You Need To See

Yes, unbelievably, these are all in-game.

By Scott Tailford /

Every now and then, there comes a game so beautiful, so gorgeously rendered and so perfectly put together by its art department, you just have to sit back and breathe it all in for a second. Luckily for both Star Wars fans and those in need of something to show off on their newest hardware, EA's first glimpse of their Battlefront tie-in is exactly that - and far more in the process. By employing a technique called Photogrammetry - the act of taking thousands of pictures of props and scenery and then rendering them all together - it's helped give this newest reboot a look that at times, is damn-near indistinguishable from the legendary silver screen versions. December's Episode VII has done a brilliant job at whipping everyone up into a Lucas-loving stupor (alongside congratulating JJ Abrams for not screwing things up either), and as November 17th has been announced for Battlefront to drop, it's all hands on Star Destroyer-decks as we stare lovingly at the state of the greatest sci-fi franchise of all time in 2015. From snow-covered battles on Hoth to tree-dodging blitzes through thick Endor jungles, you can tell EA's DICE studio absolutely love the mythos from top to bottom, and with creative lead Patrick Bach stating he wants to "protect what Star Wars stands for", this is one hell of an opening gambit for all that and more.

13. Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun-Da-Dun, Dun-Da-Dun....

What better character to end on than the internally-conflicted master of all things Dark Side-related? Vader's sure to be the most instantly intimidating character the Empire can summon, and as the score gets its 'Dun Duns' on in the trailer, any fanboy watching starts to squeal into pitches only dogs can hear.
