Star Wars: Battlefront Strikes Back At E3!

By Darragh O'Connor /

Earlier in the year, I wrote about the final days of LucasArts and the €œVersion Two€ project that looked very much like the fabled Star Wars game, Battlefront III. From this video below you could see it would have included all sorts of vehicle based combat, including X-Wings, AT-AT€™s, TIE Fighters and so on. It was still very rough but does seem to show massive combat improvements and nice visuals from previous games... This idea that the footage was from a developing Star Wars: Battlefront III was furthered by multiple inside sources, who claimed that developers at LucasArts indeed planned it to be the next in the series...
€œ a very vocal audience that€™s clamouring for Battlefront III...we were hoping to eventually give it to them€ said a LucasArts source.
With the death of LucasArts, gamers thought this project to be dead in the water. But never say, never. have confirmed that we will get another Battlefront game. In their pre-E3 press conference yesterday, Electronic Arts announced the revival of Star Wars: Battlefront series, currently titled Star Wars: Battlefront. This game is to be developed by DICE, known for their Battlefield games, and will also utilize the Frostbite 3 engine. This move was among the hopes of many fans and critics after the EA publishing deal was announced with Disney/LucasFilm. This is the first official game announced under the new licensing agreement between EA, LucasFilm and Disney Interactive. Disney seems set to continue developing and publishing mobile device and other games aimed at a younger audience, while EA will tackle games for older audiences. There has been no word on either platform or release information; these will be revealed at a later date. We will keep you updated on all the E3 and Star Wars gaming developments here on What Culture. Enjoy the teaser video and rejoice for the return of this awesome series!