Star Wars Battlefront To Be Annual Franchise, Starting With Episode VII & VIII Content

That's EXACTLY how marketing works.

By Scott Tailford /


This was always going to happen sooner or later.


You don't put the world's most successful franchise in the hands of the most money-grubbing developer around, andnotsee them iterate on it as fast as possible.

To that end, in a recent quarter-earnings call, EA's Blake Jorgensen stated,"We'll most likely have one Star Wars title a year for the next three to four years" before adding"Next year well see Star Wars Battlefrontback with bigger and better worlds, because we now have the new movies to work off of, not just the historical movies that we used before."


This fairly heavily implies that Episode VII, VIII and IX content will be added either as DLC or full games, depending on how fast it can be rendered and implemented, if not Rogue One and the Han Solo prequel flick's planets and iconography, too.

However, the issue with such a ramp-up in production comes with the fact that EA's DICE studio will need constant access to the sets of the movies, as and when they're being built or changed. Such a rapid rollout of games and movies doesn't always sit well together(just look at 99% of all movie tie-ins) as content is forever being changed, sets tweaked and costumes altered.


For 2015's Battlefront, a process called 'photogrammetry" allowed the developer to take hundreds of photos of everything used in the actual movies, or the nearest replicas, leading to the 'photo-real' look of the game. If that's the intention going forward, you can bet it's one hell of a complicated schedule to work out, just in service of a game and movie combo arriving every year.


Would you buy a new Star Wars Battlefront every year with updated content, most likely for full price? Let us know in the comments!