Street Fighter X Tekken: The Devil Within Film Released
Youtube fight specialists Thousand Pound films turn their expert hands to Street Fighter X Tekken to welcome the game's release

The Devil Gene The Satsui no hadou Both hide in the depths of one's soul and are unrelenting powers that plague the heroes of the Tekken and Street Fighter universes respectively. "Is the quest for power just when the cost is your own humanity?" When these two powers discover the existence of one another, it changes the fate of many warriors from both worlds. When the renowned world warrior Ryu, (from Street Fighter lore) begins to struggle with the darkness inside (The "Satsui no hadou") it attracts the attention of a man who has come to fully accept his own darkness, Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series regular). With the Devil Gene howling inside Ryu's mind, Kazuya attacks, catching him off guard and taking advantage of his battle within. Who will win when these worlds collide?What will become obvious when you watch the link below is the diligence that has gone into preserving the spirit of gaming, and of both game franchises in the film-making, which is something that mostly cannot be said for the various Hollywood adaptations that have come to light... Great stuff. Street Fighter X Tekken is out now on XBox 360 and PS3.