Swiss Police Attempt to Ban THE DARKNESS II

Swiss Christian Police Association are trying to block the sale of The Darkness II because the game depicts police officers being shot and killed.

By Matt Mann /

The video game industry is again under attack, this time from a Swiss police agency. A game that won't even be out until next year is already causing controversy; the Swiss police association is trying to ban the sale of The Darkness II because the game depicts police officers being shot and killed. The Swiss Christian Police Association:
"Politicians, game producers and sellers have been advised that such games be immediately removed from circulation; When police in England are the target of mobs running amok, it is important that police are not portrayed as the enemy"
This is getting to the point of beyond ridiculous, in an obvious overreaction to the tragic London riots people who love to play video games are again taking the blame, this time in Switzerland. Apparently video games are the worst thing ever created by man and are literally the cause of all crime, because there was never anyone breaking the law before video games were created. I especially remember the 1960's in America and how there was never any riots or violence toward police. Luckily there are some people in Switzerland willing to fight this. An adult computer and video gamers consumer advocacy group called Gamerights has spoken out against this attempted ban of the Darkness II:
"Unfortunately it is not new that certain scenes in video games are taken out of context and deliberately portrayed as the total goal of the game; Those against deliberately try to misinform, robbing games of their complexity and depth, portraying the most shocking and offensive view. Unfortunately that seems to be only partially effective."
I hope gamers in Switzerland support Gamerights and do everything in their power to prevent The Darkness II from being banned, because it is a very slippery slope. If The Darkness II gets banned for violence against police you think Swiss Christian Police Association won't try and ban Grand Theft Auto V?