Tekken 7: 10 Major Characters That May Not Be Returning

Could button-bashing Eddy fans finally have to learn how to play?

By Sam Dawson /

From a Luchador with a leopard-head mask to a sword-wielding space ninja man (thing), the cast of Tekken is one of the major factors that has made the series such an iconic one, especially here in the west. So then, what if some much loved characters found themselves at threat of missing out on the newest instalment: Tekken 7? With series producer Katsuhiro Harada indicating that this may be the case, speculation is rife regarding who's in, and who's not made the cut. There are tons of unconfirmed entrants, and major characters have found themselves missing from titles in the past, too. Add to this the fact that the game has twenty seven slots confirmed already (seven of which are completely new) and space is definitely starting to seem limited. Whether it€™s because they€™re just not quite relevant enough, or because the developers decided to simply give them a miss this time round, here are ten major characters that may not be returning for Tekken 7.

10. Eddy Gordo

Since his first appearance in Tekken 3 Eddy has proven to be one of the most popular (and paradoxically: hated) characters in the franchise. With his trademark capoeira style, notable for its button-bashing accessibility, low to the ground quick kicks and swirls, he is certainly one of the more memorable characters, if not simply because every player has had a teeth-grindingly annoying time playing against him. From Tekken 4 onwards though, he has started to find himself being ever so slightly moved out of the limelight, with mirror-character Christie Monteiro coming in and sharing a move-set and character slot. Admittedly, things aren€™t looking too good for Eddy at the moment. It's Christie that makes an appearance in the trailer, grieving over her deceased grandfather and Eddy€™s master, and in Tekken€™s past it is the newer, replacing characters that tend to take precedence. So, will it be occasional disco dancing Eddy or sexy señora Christie that makes the cut?