The Last Of Us: The Most Gruesome Gaming Villains of All-Time?

New Naughty Dog game The Last Of Us brings on the gruesome with these images of the games bad guys.

By Marcus Doidge /

Naughty Dog gave us our first glimpse of the bad guys in their upcoming post-apocalyptic action/adventure game The Last Of Us when the teaser trailer launched at the end of the last year but here we have a closer look via a bust that's been produced, just to show how bad this infection gets. The upcoming Playstation 3 game by the developers that have done no wrong with their Uncharted series ideally arrives at the end of the year (though this has not been officially confirmed yet) and I don't know about you but this design seems to be the thing of nightmares as well as a fairly unique spin on what essentially seems to be a zombie situation. These images are certainly more effective than what we saw only glimpses of in the game's teaser trailer (which at the time struck me as a little underwhelming design wise) and with the rest of the year's worth of development left to go, these new images should be an indication of what sort of detail we might be seeing in the final product.

So what do you guys think? You looking forward to being chased around by these ugly fellas? (though this cutie pie seems to be a girl). Is a zombie with a deformed prawn cracker on its head enough to go up against the visuals in Resident Evil and the like and what the hell spreads this infection in the first place? Hopefully we'll start seeing more of The Last Of Us very soon and we can start getting really excited.