The Sims 4: 10 Expansion Packs Fans Demand
'Fairytale' DLC would have endless possibilities.

Expansion Packs have always been one of the best ways EA and Maxis have reinvented the gaming experience for The Sims. However, when it comes to The Sims fans themselves, there's no doubt about it - they're an extremely creative bunch and the creators could definitely learn a thing or two from them when launching additional content.
It's not hard to see just how many people come up with new and innovative ways to recreate their favourite game - some are admittedly quite odd, but others are pure genius. From amazing mods that create a better Simming experience, to creating Youtube music videos and films; almost everything's pretty much been done thanks to the help of Simmers' creativity and the incredible game we all know and love.
When it comes to The Sims Expansion Packs though, the fans have no physical control over what EA decides will go on to the shelves in an official capacity... but what if they could? Just imagine creating an Expansion Pack with everything you've ever wanted.
Now that would be epic, wouldn't it?
For now though, all we can do is browse the web for the best ideas out there.
Here are 10 of the best Expansion Pack ideas the fans have come up with that EA should definitely consider adding to The Sims 4.
10. Time Travel Expansion Pack

With a Time Travel Expansion Pack, your Sims will be able to travel to the past and future.
If your Sims decided to travel back in time, they would be faced with the same challenges as the Neanderthals and Cave Men. They would have to live in caves, hunt their own food, make fire with sticks and stones and hide from predators.
If your Sims decided to travel to the future, they would be faced with flying jetpacks, meet their descendants, ride hoverboards, wear unstylish silver clothing and perhaps even meet aliens.
Quite a lot like Sims 3's Into The Future, but with a more Guardians of the Galaxy feel to it.