THQ Announces Availability Of New DLC For WWE ALL STARS

WWE: All Stars adds three more characters to the roster with another Downloadable add-on pack...

By Simon Gallagher /

THQ have today unveiled some brand new downloadable content for WWE All Stars - released recently in April - the hugely enjoyable, energetic newest addition to the canon of WWE video game releases. The new content - available worldwide now via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network includes the following: The Southern Charisma Pack - Big Boss Man, Michael "PS" Hayes and "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry Personally the biggest draw there is the opportunity to play as Big Boss Man, who was one of the characters that I grew up with first time round and who for some reason was the last of my WWE action figures not to be unceremoniously thrown away by the too cool for school teenage version of myself who for some reason regrettably aligned those figures with the distinct possibility of never losing my virginity. Bloody peer pressure.

Look at that eyebrow! This announcement does beg the question as to why he wasn't just included in the first place, but then it would be silly to suggest that DLC serves anything other than a cash-driving purpose. Anyway, the Southern Charisma Pack is now available for a suggested purchase cost of 240 Microsoft Points or £2.99 via PlayStation Network. It joins a DLC roster that already includes the following packs: The Million Dollar Pack €“ "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and his son, Ted DiBiase R-Truth The All-Time Greats Pack €“ Hawk, Animal, Jerry "The King" Lawler and Chris Jericho €œThe American Dream€ Dusty Rhodes and Cody Rhodes I still find the lack of Mick Foley playable characters distinctly annoying...