Tomba! Out On PSN Store In US

Classic platformer available now for lucky US Playstation owners.

By Adam Nystrom /

American Playstation fans can smile: the classic 2D/3D hybrid platformer Tomba! has been released today as a PSOne Classic on the PSN store for an absolute bargain price of $9.99. Released for the Playstation back in the summer of 1998, the game was critically lauded for its deep gameplay, multiple branching and optional quests that consumed dozens of hours. You play as the namesake of the series, a pink spiky-haired island boy who needs to restore the beauty of his homeland that has been overtaken by the Evil Pigs. It's a quirky story that could only originate in Japan, and as such, never saw enough sales outside of the Far East to earn a coveted green Greatest Hits label. If you're reading this, you either have fond memories of wrangling pigs into their bags and hearing them squeal in protest...or you're wondering what the bloody hell this is all about. If you fall into the latter, you owe it to yourself to buy this game for less than the cost of a few pints. Original developer Whoopee Camp only got the chance to make this game and its sequel before disbanding in 2000, but Sony has worked with MonkeyPaw Games - who have also been porting Japanese imports to the PSN store - to optimize the experience for download on the PS3. No word yet on a potential European release, but if enough downloads are purchased in the States, I can't imagine a UK release being far off. Keep the comments and requests coming to the Playstation Blog - if they released Tomba! in the first place, it's a good sign!
