Top 15 Robots In Video Games

What Culture explores the greatest robots in gaming.

By Robert Nichol /

Robots are a thing of the future, a dream of mankind: to create a machine designed to serve and also, in most cases, a machine that looks like a human too. Robots, AI and androids are all essentially human personalities in a mechanical body. They are a subject often explored by other mediums; in film, books and television. But what about gaming, the newest of the mediums€“which are the greatest robots in gaming? Well, here€™s WhatCulture€™s list, so lets find out: 15. Metal Sonic
Not the only evil robot on this list, Metal Sonic was created with the sole responsibility of destroying his organic counterpart. First appearing in Sonic CD, he€™s been a persistent feature in the series. Created by the dastardly longterm foe Dr. Eggman, he€™s pretty much the same as Sonic but in robot form. He looks the same and has similar moves. There isn€™t much to him other that he is evil and wants to kill Sonic, but this makes for some great gameplay. Plus, he€™s easy to remember compared to all the other swarms of Sonic characters. 14. Claptrap
CL4P-TP General Purpose Robots are usually known by their more common name; Claptraps are robots from Borderlands. Despite having a name that sounds like a sexual infection, they are quite useful. The friendly one wheeled guys are often used as targets, which they complain about. This means that the player must find a way to fix them, but this work is rewarded in various ways. These guys also conveniently block the pathways between locations until certain missions are completed. These guys even star in their own DLC add-on to the original game in the form of Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution, so they must be getting something right.