Valve Has Secret New Game Rumor

A new Valve game may have been outed by the husband of voice actresses Ellen McLain but what could it be?

By Matt Mann /

outed by the husband of voice actresses Ellen McLain. McLain does a lot of voice work for Valve, but is most famous for being the voice of the maniacal GlaDOS from the Portal series. John Lowrie the husband of Ellen McLain tweeted; "Ellen is going in Tuesday for a new game and more Portal work". We already new there would be some Portal 2 downloadable content coming down the pipes, however the real question is what new game is she doing voice work for? Now this is just a rumor but that won't stop me from speculating what the new game might be; the next Half-Life game, Team Fortress 3, or how about a new Valve IP? I know if I ask what game people want Valve to do, everyone will say Half-Life; so is there any game besides Half-Life you would like to see a sequel to or how about a new IP?
