Watch: Batman Arkham City "Harley Quinn's Revenge" DLC Trailer

Set for release on May 29th, the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" mission will send gamers back into Arkham City for a final challenge, taking control of both Batman and Robin.

By Matt Holmes /

The new trailer for the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" DLC pack that will come with the Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition, has debuted over at IGN and also as a standalone download. Check out the new trailer for yourselves below; Set for release on May 29th, the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" mission will send gamers back into Arkham City for a final challenge, taking control of both Batman and Robin. Gamers will need to utilize each of the dynamic duo's unique combat skills and investigative mentality to solve Harley's vengeful plans and shut down the gates on the Gotham prison forever. As well as this brand new storyline, gamers will be able to explore the new environments and face-off against Harley's new array of bad guys thugs. In addition, the new edition of Batman: Arkham City will include all the updates to date, along with the all the previously released DLC packs. If you are a USA and Canada resident you will also get a free movie download of the recent Batman: Year One film. Batman: Arkham City€™s €œGame of the Year Edition€ will hit Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 29th.