The first trailer for the game hit today and if you enjoy zombies, sex, and rock and roll you are in luck.

By Matt Mann /

Suda 51 is involved in a game you know it is going to be a bit crazy with a side of sex thrown in for good measure; Lollipop Chainsaw is no different. The first trailer for the game hit today and if you enjoy zombies, sex, and rock and roll you are in luck. Suda 51 is one of my favorite developers in video games right now, with his most recent release Shadows of the Damned being one of the most underrated games of the year. If you haven't played it I would recommend doing so, the price on the game should be coming down shortly because of poor sales. The game is set to be published by Warner Brothers and is set to be released sometime in 2012. Are there any other Suda 51 fans out there excited about this game?
