At a special conference just before E3 2013, Microsoft unveiled their next gen console, the Xbox One. Much was made of its television and social capabilities and Kinect 2.0 was explained. Games were on the back burner, but Microsoft promised that E3 would be all about the games. Finally, the information everyone wanted to hear was the release date and Microsoft sort of complied with a window of November 2013. The bar was set for the next gen race. With Sony going second, Microsoft had a distinct advantage of being the one's to really show off next gen technology to the public for the first time. At E3, Microsoft delivered on the promise of games but still seemed rather elusive with that release date. But that was okay. Gamescom was coming up and everyone assumed that that was the time when all would be revealed. Gamescom 2013 arrived and Sony announced that the PS4 would launch 15th Nov in the US and 29th Nov in Europe and AU. But from Microsoft? Still a vague November. Since then, all has been quiet and it seems that gamers have been kept in the dark about when they can finally get their hands on the new Xbox. This is puzzling. With two months to go, it is rather unbelievable that we don't have anything concrete. Sony's official announcement has allowed them to pull forward in pre-order sales and get a substantial lead. There is no real reason why Microsoft should be holding back this information, particularly as potential consumers simply need to know. Analysts first pegged the 5th Nov as a likely release date for the Xbox One. I think everyone expected Microsoft to want to sneak in in front of Sony, as well as the raft of big video game releases in November. If people buy Xbox 360 versions of Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4 and others, why would they need an Xbox One straight away? The latest unofficial news makes a late November release for the new Xbox likely, information coming from a contest to win one. So what does the lack of a release date tell us, if anything? Are there issues at Camp Microsoft? Or is there a big reveal planned? I am not totally sure, but with each passing day, when I wake up in the morning and check the gaming news of the night before, I'd be less shocked to hear that the Xbox One had been delayed than get an actual date. Are you worried about the Xbox One? Make some noise in the comments below...