Wii U Blow-Out: New Zelda, Smash Bros. and Mario Kart Announced

By Barry O Halloran /

Who said Nintendo would make the same mistakes with the Wii U? Straight from from a Nintendo Direct broadcast, the gaming giant has revealed its plans for the coming year. Prepare to be amazed.

Two New Zelda's

The most exciting announcement was the reveal of a brand new Zelda. Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma stated that the next game could totally reinvent Zelda as a character and even hinted that the game could take a more non-linear direction. It might be a few years away yet but that doesn't mean we won't be getting a new Zelda on the Wii U this year. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed that the GameCube classic, Zelda: Wind Waker is being remade for Wii U. Not only will the remake feature Link in his first fully HD world, it will also include tweaks and additions to the gameplay and story as well as new Wii U Gamepad features and Gamepad-only play. It will be fully compatible with Miiverse and will be released in August. Did the Wii U just get its first console seller?

Mario Kart, Smash Bros. and Mario Wii U Will Be Playable At E3

Next up is the equally impressive announcement that the development team behind Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are working on a brand new 3D Mario. Will it be a Galaxy sequel? Or maybe a new Super Mario Sunshine? Only time will tell. A new Mario Kart has also been confirmed. It isn't clear whether it's going to be a Wii U exclusive but it's probably more than likely. The last game in the series 'Mario Kart 7' was released on the 3DS so it makes sense to assume it will be. Adding to those bombshells, Iwata added that a new Super Smash Bros. will be coming this year too. The game is being developed for both the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS and will be playable at E3 in June. Does this mean the games will be linkable between consoles?