The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect...there's another title shockingly missing from that illustrious list.

By Brandon Jacobs /

There is nothing quite like a great RPG. In the video game industry, one of the genres best adept at immersing the player into a story and environment is the tried n' tested role-playing game. While all video games place the player into a character role of some kind, RPGs do it best because that is the primary focus. The game design, through mechanics like character creation, ability distribution, and levelling up, functions as a means of allowing the player to build their character at their own pace. It is a mentally pleasurable experience because it makes the player feel like they are contributing to the character's development, however minuscule it might actually be. There have been many great releases over the years; Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Mass Effect are just some of the most popular titles, each of which deserves all the praise they receive. However, these more well known titles are bound to overshadow some lesser known gems, through no fault of their own of course. Some titles, for one reason or another, don€™t quite receive the mainstream recognition they deserve. One such title is The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings from Polish developer CD Projekt RED. The Witcher 2 is a sequel to The Witcher, also developed by CD Projekt RED for the PC in 2007. The fantasy series tells the tale of Geralt of Rivia, a witcher who makes his living slaying monstrous creatures as he manoeuvres around a politically dangerous world. While the first is considered by those who played it to be a mostly positive experience, it wasn€™t until the release of the sequel in 2011 that the series really took advantage of the concept. Featuring a complex and mature story filled with characters of various degrees of morality, those who have been lucky enough to play it know just how great everything is about the entire experience. With the release of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt still a year away, there is plenty of time to play this criminally underplayed masterpiece. Here are 15 reasons why you definitely should.