WWE 2K15: 12 Terrible Feuds You Won't See

We very much doubt Scott Steiner vs Triple H will be one of the "greatest rivalries" of WWE history.

By John Canton /

This year's WWE video game offering is WWE 2K15 and it features a mode that focuses on some of the greatest rivalries in WWE history. Two of the rivalries already announced are Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels and CM Punk vs. John Cena. Other feuds could be featured in the game too. It's easy to think about the great feuds in WWE history. We all know about the two that they're already including, plus classics like Austin/Rock, Triple H/Cactus Jack, Undertaker/Michaels, Punk/Hardy, Jericho/Michaels and so many others. What about the bad ones? They should be remembered too for how bad they were and how much we wish we could forget them. For the most part, we're going to look at feuds from the last 15 years or so. There were a lot of bad ones from the 1990s and before that, which could be considered too. A few might be referenced, but for the most part we'll look at some of the more recent feuds that were really terrible. An easy way to list feuds for this is to say "any Chris Benoit rivalry" and that would be right because none of them would be included in the game since WWE ignores everything he ever did with good reason. We're going to skip the Benoit reasons here. Here's a look at 12 terrible feuds that have no chance of being featured in WWE 2K15 or any future WWE video game because they are just so bad we all wish they never took place.

12. Edge Kidnaps Paul Bearer To Torment Kane In 2010

When Edge feuded with Kane towards the end of 2010 it was one of the most bizarre rivalries WWE has ever done. Edge was in the babyface role as the WWE Champion and Kane was the heel that had his storyline father Paul Bearer with him at every show. As a way to get into his head, Edge kidnapped Paul Bearer. Not only that, but Edge ended up bringing Bearer on the road with him to Smackdown every week. Apparently he's the nicest kidnapper ever since he brought this man to work every single week. Are we to assume that he paid for his baggage fees at the airport too? Was he strapped into a wheelchair while they flew? It had so many flaws. The logic behind the feud, at least from WWE's perspective, was that Kane was so mean to people over the years that Edge felt like tormenting him instead. That's WWE for you. They thought the fans wanted to cheer a guy that kidnapped somebody and used him to taunt None of Edge's matches with Kane were very good. It was one of those ridiculously cheesy kind of feuds that makes us feel embarrassed to be wresting fans.