WWE 2K16: 18 WTF Glitches You Won't Believe

Another haunted wrestling game.

By Simon Gallagher /

Despite being popular, WWE 2K16 is very flawed. In other words, it''s basically the Ultimate Warrior of video games. As ever, there are issues with contact physics and responsiveness, but that pails into insignificance next to the magnificently entertaining glitches that have so far been captured and shared by gamers. Inevitably, a lot of problems come from physics and the hilarious ways the game engine attempts to overcome (or completely ignore) obstacles, so you end up with freakshows of grotesquely twisted limbs and superhuman feats. Yes it's better than last year's game, but so are about 80% of the wrestling games that came out before the PS3 launched, so that's not exactly glowing praise. And actually, the glitches don't really impact on how enjoyable the game is when it's actually working. Because some of them are hysterical...

18. Welcome To The Twilight Zone

Trust Big Show to break the ring. In this case, the big fella doesn't actually get anywhere near it before the world goes to sh*t, but the game seems to take his entrance to this fight as a reason to souffle the ring. The result of that and the wrestler's centres of gravity not changing makes for some nightmarish broken leg walking. You can watch the whole horrible affair here...