WWE 2K16 Footage - Gameplay Details Revealed

Changes to grappling and reversals in this year's game!

By John Canton /

IGN have lifted the lid on WWE 2K16 by unleashing gameplay footage that gives us our best look yet at this year's edition of the best-selling wrestling game. The first thing to notice is that chain grappling is back, while there are also more transitions as well as moves to reflect the true abilities of the wrestlers involved. The good news is that chain grapples are impacted by your wrestler's attribute values more than anything and there can even be instances where there are ties, which leads to breaks or possibly some cheap shots. There are also working grapples, which are situations where the initiating wrestler can rest up and get stamina back while draining his opponent's stamina.
With regards to reversals, there are two big changes that will allow for more consistency with them. With the new gameplay, you start each match with a limited stock of reversals and then once you use one, your amount of reversals will slowly regenerate. That means that if you try to counter every move, you'll be out of your reversal ability very quickly and then you'll be unable to counter anything until it regenerates again. That sounds like a great idea because it will force the gamer to be more of a strategist instead of just trying to reverse everything. There's also a reversal option that will allow you to pass up your initial reversal move and then attempt it later for a more major move. By doing that, it will cost you two reversal stocks although it's a good idea because it can change the course of the match if you hit a big move like that. It would allow you to regroup, get the momentum back and get on the offensive kind of like in a real WWE match.
In other WWE 2K16 news, JBL noted he's doing commentary on the game with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler, so WWE is using the three man PPV commentary team for the game. You can see the footage from the gameplay video below...