WWE 2K17: 9 Major New Details Paul Heyman Just Revealed

Please say we're getting a Paul Heyman Guy mode?

By Simon Gallagher /

2K Games

Paul Heyman appeared on the Suplex City State Of The Union Address at the tail end of last week to announce some exciting early details for 2K Games' upcoming October release of WW 2K17, including some teases for the inevitable showcase, a special potential gameplay mode and a key role for his client.


Inevitably, WWE's biggest hype man talked the game up despite a relative lack of details (as usual we can expect to see a roster reveal around SummerSlam weekend), and says his life couldn't possibly be any better, thanks to serving as the advocate for the Beast and the Conqueror.

In an entertaining conference call, Heyman sparred with journalists on his client's UFC prospects, the likely impact of the brand split and who he thinks can make the step up from NXT to the main roster. More importantly, he also let slip some enlightening information on the game, ahead of 2K unveiling the cover...


9. Brock Lesnar Is The Cover Star

2K Games

You're about to find out what it's like to be a victim of Suplex City - the most dangerous place on Earth - because Brock Lesnar is following up his cover-starring appearance on UFC Undisputed 2010 with the prestigious cover gig for 2K.


The early marketing narrative is going heavy on the Suplex City image and the mythology of the Beast Incarnate, making it sound like he's the Bowser to the player's Super Mario - a big boss quite unlike anything there's been before. And rightly so, for Heyman:

"I applaud 2K Sports for putting Brock Lesnar on the cover, it's the smartest thing they can do for their merchandising, it's the smartest thing they can do for their license, it's the smartest thing they can do for their shareholders. The game comes out universally on October 11th, and on the cover will be BROCK LESNAR."


''Brock Lesnar's unmistakable talent, no-holds-barred mentality and unequivocal determination perfectly complement 2K's commitment to authentically represent WWE at the absolute highest level,'' said Chris Snyder, vice president of marketing at 2K.

2K Games