Zynga Acquires Draw Something Developer OMGPOP

Draw Something has already been downloaded 35 million times and is basically becoming one of the biggest mobile games in the world right now.

By Matt Mann /

Zynga in their never ending quest to take over the social gaming world have acquired OMGPOP, the creators of Draw Something. The game has already been downloaded 35 million times and is basically becoming one of the biggest mobile games in the world right now. Here is what Mark Pincus, founder and CEO of Zynga had to say:
"The OMGPOP team has created a game that's fun, expressive and engenders real social interaction, Draw Something has captured the imagination of millions of people around the world. We love the way they've worked playful and relevant culture into their games from Devo to Daft Punk, from Lin to Beckham. We're honored to have the opportunity to partner with and support such an innovative team of creative inventors."
In addition, today there have been rumors that Zynga may be coming to the Xbox 360; in a recent interview Pincus stated:
"Right now we are building back-end technology, so that your game state can be saved and served up in difference screens and devices, "The interaction cues will take from the different devices. In other words, you can play a game on a computer and call it up on Xbox and you resume from the point you left off, except the game play will now be customized for the Xbox controller."
There has been nothing planned to this point but it appears Zynga has something in the works to head to the Xbox 360. I am going to use my physic powers and predict that at this years E3 Microsoft will make a big deal out of Zynga coming to the Xbox 360 even though nobody at the conference will care.