10 Annoyingly Catchy Pop Songs You Probably Love To Hate

I'll understand if you want to read this with your speakers on mute, just to be safe.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

The line between what makes a song good and what makes a song terrible can often be a thin one, depending on who you ask. Because for every person who thinks Oasis made some of the defining songs of the 90s, you'll find three who think the lead singer sounded like a whinier, more British Fran Drescher on heroine. And so, to them, they would consider that "bad." There are, however, some songs that I think we can all agree are objectively abysmal. "The Macarena." "It's A Small World." Fergie's entire discography. And then there's another category, the one that encompasses all those admittedly catchy songs that you still can't stand, for one reason or another. They've got a good beat, or a memorable hook, or a chorus that begs to be sung along to...but you still hate them with the passion typically reserved for cold french fries and Kardashians. A lot of these songs might have even started off as innocent fun for a lot of you. Right up until they crossed the line into annoyingly catchy.
