10 Most Difficult Music Divas Of All Time

By Miss Fancye /

Definition: "diva" - a woman regarded as temperamental or haughty (Oxford Dictionary). The word "diva" originally was defined as a celebrated female opera singer or famous female singer of popular music. My oh my, this word certainly had undergone a change in cultural understanding. Being accused of partaking in diva behaviour is to imply someone is being extremely difficult and demanding of others - is quite the insult. However the use of the word 'diva' in this post is used to refer to female pop musicians who are notably over the top with their demands - I'm talking destroying toilet seats after use, strictly crinkle free chips and avoidance of direct eye contact with the diva. Has your favourite diva made the list?

10. Mariah Carey

Having seen Mariah in concert recently I would have to vouch for her apperance on this list - she was certainly giving the sound crew a verbal serve while performing regarding their incompetence to correct her audio. Mariah is said to have requested a "staircase assistant" whose primary job responsibility was to test stairs for her to make sure they were safe to walk down. I wonder how much that person got paid? That is only one of several demands dished out by the diva who bizaarely insists on custom toilet paper in her dressing room. Other must-haves include a $200 bottle of cabernet sauvignon, two dozen white roses and vanilla aromatherapy candles. As for the furnishings, there should be "no busy patterns; black, dark grey, cream, dark pink are all fine." Temperature and lighting must be adjusted to Mimi's liking - temperature "should be about 75 degrees" and there should be a lamp so that "harsh lighting may be turned off" in her backstage bathroom." The singer also reportedly has assistants follow her to make sure she's filmed from the right side (I strangely agree with this one I hate being photographed from that side) and has a special attendant in her dressing room just to hand her towels. She once demanded to be surrounded by 20 white kittens and 100 white doves at a public event.