10 Most WTF Moments In Music 2015

Yes we can. But let's not.

By Brian Wilson /

A lot can happen in a year. In the real world, you'll maybe meet a bunch of new people, switch jobs, read a handful of books and go to the cinema a dozen times. If you're lucky, you might even make a new friend or two along the way. In the entertainment industry, time seems to work in mysterious ways. Not only is everything infinitely shorter and more expendable, but it's also made out to be ten times as important, and notable occurrences happen much more frequently. It's understandable, really €“ the music industry is so huge, with hundreds of famous bands and singers, and millions of clamouring fans hanging on their every word. And besides, the media loves a good story. Couple that with all of the award shows, live performances and massive egos, and there's bound to be a few (okay, a lot) bizarre moments here and there. So from Kanye's political ambitions to Madonna's Dementor-like qualities, here are the most WTF moments in music 2015.