10 Popular Performers That Prove Modern Pop Isn't All Bad

By Matthew Murray /

Pop music is often considered to be in a dire state. And I wouldn€™t entirely disagree with you. Justin Bieber, One Direction and Katy Perry...need I say any more? It makes me feel a little sick. It seems that the industry has created a massive grotesque machine that cranks these soulless caricatures out daily. Still, it€™s actually not all that bad. Believe it or not, really good pop music does exist! Most of it is by indie artists or international ones that haven€™t had the audience to dominate the charts. In my home country of New Zealand we are absolutely overflowing with undiscovered pop talents. Go check out Tom Lark or Unknown Mortal Orchestra if you haven€™t already! But this is a list dedicated to the talented pop artists who have managed to make it big and remind the world that pop music isn€™t necessarily a bad thing. Some have obviously made a much bigger impact on the industry than others. But the key thing is that they are all good musicians (or at least I think they have talent) and they have all become prominent artists within this century I€™ll just give a quick honourable mention to Robbie Williams. The man has given us some really awesome pop music over the last ten years but really rose to prominence in the 90s and, therefore, doesn€™t necessarily constitute modern pop. Anyhow, here they are; my top ten predominately pop artists of the modern age who prove that the genre is all but dead.