10 Sci-Fi Hard Rock Albums You Need To Hear

Two of the best genres, together as one.

By Scott Tailford /

Equal Vision

There's something about the sci-fi genre and hard rock or metal music, that just... works.


Need a sick album cover? Throw some crazy combination of metal tubing, pulped flesh and muscles into the mix, and you'll have an immediately iconic image before you can say Eddie the Head.

Many individuals in the mediums of film and music expand and push creative boundaries like nothing else, and while it's great to indulge in artwork or general aesthetics, a full-blown concept piece or band theming themselves around intergalactic philosophy and adventure is the really good stuff.


Futurescape worlds of skyscrapers filled with flying cars and augmented bodies, far-off planets teaming with javelin-toothed monsters, full fourth dimension black holes tearing through time and space to bring you 20 minute rock operas about life and purpose?

It's all here, and you'll never be the same again.
