10 Songs That Are Basically Minutes-Long Orgasms

Ooh, aah...music?

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Music and sex pretty much go hand in hand. Let's do a quick exercise: Think of any popular, Top 40 hit from the last fifty years. There's a good chance there's an element of sexuality to it. But there's a major difference between sexiness and outright audio f*cking, which is a line that some musicians have enthusiastically dragged their genitals across over the years. Not content to simply suggest the idea of sex to the listeners, a few have gone out of their way to capture the act of lovemaking in crystal clear, no inferring required. Sometimes it's spicy and sensuous, other times it's distasteful and downright disgusting. But hey, at least they actually had the good sense to put actual music overtop of the parade of sex sounds. They probably could have just cooed into a microphone for three minutes without anyone ever putting an instrument into the mix and still got themselves a hit record. Here's to the orgasms disguised as music!
