15 Alternative Christmas Songs That Will Still Make You Feel Festive

Who needs Mariah bloody Carey?

By Chris Peet /

Warner Bros

It's that glorious time of year when everyone is forced to put up with their family because they€™re trapped in a room together for the entire day. Only excessive alcohol and the occasional back-handed comment about an unwanted gift can get you through it. Sadly, the soundtrack to this bickering is usually the same old dirge that€™s regurgitated by whoever's in charge of the music every year. Are you sick of the sound of warble-voiced lunatic Mariah Carey screech her way through All I Want For Christmas?


Do you ache to remove the vocal chords of balloon-faced crooner Michael Buble and his ubiquitous schmoozing of the Christmas market? Perhaps you just fancy a change from the same sickly repetitive poison that€™s poured into your delicate little ears every Christmas? We love you, Noddy Holder, but no. No more! Wizzard, if your wish came true and it was Christmas every day, we€™d all be fat alcoholics ready to bludgeon a family member, and we€™d all be skint causing total economic meltdown.

It€™s just not practical. So with that in mind, it€™s time to change the record. Hopefully the following fifteen tracks will offer a bit of a change to the bog-standard fare that Christmas has been lumbered with. And they€™ll still make you feel as Christmassy as ever.
