5 Awesome Irish Bands That Aren't U2

Because it's not just Bono on the Emerald Isle, you know.

By Eoghain Meakin /

The Irish music scene is a vivid and dynamic force that rarely gets the exposure its talent deserves. I don't want to point any fingers, really I don't, but this might just be down to the eclipsing enormity that is U2. When people think of Ireland and music they think U2, no matter how many of us over here recoil at the thought. And whether you like or loath them they are the biggest band in the world. Now, I don't want to come across bias on this but some how their inoffensive soft rock coupled with their truly offensive personalities has made for a winning combo. Despite being more unlikeable than Metallica and the entire Bush family put together, they clearly have a legion of die hard fans willing to purchase what ever half-formed record they put on the market and whatever gibberish Bono decides to pour forth from his mouth. But despite what they may tell you, there is more to Irish contemporary music than Bono, The Edge and the other two. Instead there is a thriving and vibrant scene built up of musicians from all over the country innovating and creating. Some of these names may be new even to music aficionados in the UK because despite only being a two hour boat journey away, making an impact in the English music scene is more than a case of geographical convenience. However, thanks to industrious and talented break through artists like Raglans and Heathers Irish music looks set to become much more perceptible in the next few years. Hopefully becoming known for being more than a one trick pony, with a very prominent but annoying pony. So in no particular order here is five Irish bands, gigging and recording today, worth putting on your playlist and keeping an eye out for in the future.