5 Best Albums Of 2013 (So Far)

By john glynn /

Given it's, oh my, mid-June already, and that over half of the year is over, a quick stock take of this year€™s musical contributions feels thoroughly overdue. And, of course, a list like this will divide opinions. Either way, here we will look at five of the best albums of 2013. From folk like Daft Punk and My Bloody Valentine out performing expectations, to indie powerhouses (The Foals, Vampire Weekend) knocking at the door, 2013 has been a rather impressive melodious feast. However, as impressive as the albums from the aforementioned groups are, they have not made this extremely exclusive list (Yes, typed with tongue in cheek, I assure you!).

5. Tyler The Creator: Wolf

If, like so many, you are trying to appreciate youth culture in a given region over the last few decades, the local rap groups are an enlightening place to begin. Hip-hop groups, predominantly the iconic ones, become inimitably defined by the locales that they come from. Knowingly or not, these rappers soak up their artistic surroundings like a musical minded mop and then spray their interpretations back out. This offers a glance into the €œlandscape€ of a certain time and place. While they may not be your typical iconic group, Odd Future is a no less intoxicating representation of the area that they hail from. Basically, they are a rap manifestation of a cohort of skaters from Southern California. Detestable but also magnetic, sometimes humorous, Odd Future simply do not give a s**t. And so listening to Wolf, the third album from Tyler, The Creator, feels a lot like reliving your teenage years. It€™s electrifying, appealing, a little frustrating, and it brings out a strong yearning to get well and truly stoned.