50 Rock And Metal Albums You Need To Hear Before You Die

If you had to recommend one seminal rock or metal album to a music-loving friend, which would it be?

By Michael Downie /

It's a matter of fact that if you speak to any long-time rock and metal fan about their favourite bands, songs or albums they'll be able to rattle off a list as long as your arm comprised of their absolute top tracks and records you need to hear. Everyone's list will differ but that is the joy of rock and metal, as banner genres their scope is so wide you can stretch from the lightest radio rock to the most brutal and disgusting death metal. Few genres can legitimately say that they can cater for almost every desire and as an audience, rock and metal fans can be the most cosmopolitan in their tastes (even if a few won't admit it). If you look around the internet it's easy to find lists of ultimate rock and metal albums you need to listen to and as a matter of course, they're largely the same, featuring the same classic albums that get trotted out again and again and that are frankly, overplayed. This list is a little different, this is 50 albums that you need to hear before you die, not necessarily the biggest selling nor the established classics of any band (read: Metallica's Black Album is not in the list). There is something for everyone here as it swings from lighter, radio-friendly rock all the way to parent-worrying death metal; hitting every possible sub genre in between. Some of the albums you may have heard of, some you may not have - the overriding fact though, is that each of the albums on this list is a stone cold killer and should be experienced before you take in your terminal breath. So in no particular order, 50 albums you need to hear before you die.