8 British Artists You Really Should Listen To

By Callum McEwan /

As someone who can be found with earphones stuck into the side of his head on a near constant basis, it is fair to say that I, like many of you, love my music. I firmly believe that one of the biggest thrills a music fan can achieve is the sense of wonderment that comes after you discover or are introduced to an artist that you may have overlooked or, perhaps, had never even heard of. I am aware that many people that read this post will come from a multitude of different countries, so I am using this as a forum to (hopefully) introduce you, the dear reader, to some acts from my homeland. I will be listing my favourite song by each artist, while also supplying a video to give you an idea of their style. I am also trying to avoid some of the more obvious, successful artists and am hoping to show you some British acts that deserve some love. Please bear in mind that music tastes are completely subjective and what I find fantastic, may not float your boat in the slightest. Please feel free to comment on any of the bands I've selected and if you know any other great acts that I should check out (British or otherwise), I'd love to hear from you.

8. Frank Turner

Favourite track: Worse Things Happen At Sea One of my all-time favourite artists, the only reason Frank Turner is so low on this list is because he is finally starting to gather the type of following that he truly deserves. A man who started at the very bottom and clawed his way up, thanks to his fantastic songs and ability to tour non-stop. Frank plays mostly folk-acoustic music that has it's roots set firmly in his love of punk rock, he writes songs that have unbelievably catchy hooks and unfathomably singable lyrics. Seeing Frank Turner live is an experience unlike any other. Rarely does a crowd know every single lyric to every single song a band plays - Frank's crowds do. They will sing each lyric back at their hero with such gusto that sometimes, you can't even hear Frank himself. And the man clearly loves it! Recently, Frank Turner was the pre-show act before the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic games, playing in front of thousands (millions, if you count the viewers at home) and showing no hint of nerves. Occasionally political, always poignant, Frank Turner writes the kind of songs that everybody should listen to. Song to get you started: The Way I Tend To Be