8 Crazy Conspiracy Theory Songs By Well-Known Artists

The truth is out there...

By Sam Summers /

We live in a post-truth age.


...Or maybe that's just what the media wants us to think?

At any rate, the internet has become a tool never before seen in a human history, bringing together millions of isolated crackpots from across the world to concoct elaborate theories about pop culture figures, world events and who's really in control.

What's surprising, though, is how many of these crackpots turn out to be pop culture figures themselves; celebrities no less famous than Bruce Willis, Mark Ruffalo and Kylie Jenner have endorsed conspiracy theories of some variety. But that's par for the course in an era when the most powerful man on the planet appears on Alex Jones' show.

Sometimes these celebrities are musicians, and sometimes they can't help but sneak their left-field beliefs into their music. From chemtrails to the Illuminati, there doesn't seem to be many conspiracy theories that haven't been immortalised in song - here are 8 of the weirdest examples.

8. B.O.B Wrote A Flat Earth Anthem

Largely-forgotten pop-rapper B.O.B exploded into the headlines in 2016 for his laughable embrace of Flat-Earth conspiracy theories, sharing images that supposedly disprove the curvature of the earth, accompanied by a series of now-deleted charts and graphs.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson shot back at the rapper for being “five centuries regressed” in his thinking - this started rap's nerdiest, most absurd beef, culminating in the track “Flatline”, in which rapper accuses physicist of being a paid-up member of a truth-suppressing elite. If that wasn’t a bad enough career move, he also co-signs notorious Holocaust-denier David Irving.

All of the bad press hasn’t stopped B.O.B’s unwavering faith, however; in 2017 he started a GoFundMe page called “Show B.O.B the curve”, seeking to raise funds for weather balloons and satellites that would, at last, provide proof of the earth's flatness.
