9 Songs That Allegedly Drove People To Kill

Sometimes you have to remind yourself that "it's just music."

By Jacob Trowbridge /

One of the most wonderful things about music is that listeners can get whatever they want out of it. We're allowed to read into the lyrics and form a meaning from them that's personal to our own experiences. Maybe we need to interpret them a certain way because it helps us get through some of the rougher aspects of life. That's the beauty of it. On the other hand, people can occasionally read into music in ways that weren't intended by the songwriters and are in now way a positive thing. The results of those interpretations can be tragic. As with any form of entertainment, musicians are going to be used to shoulder the blame for violence enacted, not by them, but by people who claim their music influenced them in all the wrong ways. This is what's known as the "utter bullsh*t" defense to anyone with common sense. But it happens a lot. Probably more than anyone would like to admit. The following songs have all been accused of either purposely encouraging violence, or unintentionally inspiring murder. Either way...that's not okay.