Alter Bridge: Mark Tremonti's 14 Best Guitar Riffs

One moment while we just realign our teeth.

By Scott Tailford /

Alter Bridge are a band that have been gradually getting heavier and heavier over the past decade. Although first album One Day Remains had some of the remnants of more Creed-like songwriting (three quarters of the band were former members) there's always been glimpses of where they were heading. With lead guitarist Mark Tremonti being a man who spends many hours a day fully immersed in both guitar theory and practice - and who schooled himself in the likes of Slayer and Celtic Frost growing up - fans of hard rock and metal have seen a far more practiced-yet-furious side emerge to The Tremonster's playing over the years. Last year's Fortress saw the most complex arrangements the band have composed thus far too, with a far heavier bent throughout that helped build on the motions started through each album - in particular the fantastically dark AB III. Although Fortress is their most technically accomplished body of work, Tremonti's dabbling in all things heavy goes as far back as that first album, with some scorching licks over the years that help define him as one of the best guitarists working today.