Amy Winehouse Toxicology Tests Uncover "No Illegal Substances"

Family spokesman reveals details of toxicology results returned to the tragic singer's family...

By Simon Gallagher /

When Amy Winehouse died exactly one month ago today there was a definite rift between those who berated the media for offering such heart-felt tributes to "just another junkie" when there were real heroes fighting for their country, and those who recognised the tragedy for what it was. Today we have news that might go some way to making those within the first camp perhaps rethink what was said and written in the days that followed, because a toxicology report returned to her family has revealed that the singer died with "no illegal substances" in her system. Speaking on behalf of her family, spokesperson Chris Goodman confirmed as much in the following statement obtained by MTV:
Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy's system at the time of her death.
The statement went on to confirm that "alcohol was present", but whether or not that played a part in her death is uncertain at this stage, with the likely answer coming when the inquest concludes in around six weeks time. The news will certainly come as vindication for those who stressed that the singer was clean of drug-use in her final months -despite her ill-fated and now infamous final appearance - including her father Mitch Winehouse who told mourners at her funeral that Amy had conquered her drug addiction and recently completed three weeks of abstinence, as well as intending to give up drinking. This announcement comes after the initial post-mortem proved inconclusive and an inquest was subsequently opened and adjourned without a cause of death yet being given. Finally the Winehouse family offered their thanks to the police and those involved in the inquest:
The family would like to thank the police & coroner for their continuing investigations & for keeping them informed throughout. They await the outcome of the inquest in October.
The Back to Black star was found dead in her Camden home in July, and you can read our tribute to her work here.