Deliverer - Illuminate EP Review

Lincoln-based progressive metalcore act cut their teeth.

By Steven Hooke /


Within the last few years, metalcore has experienced another resurgence, with bands largely falling under one of two banners; the OG hardcore route as demonstrated by Code Orange, Knocked Loose and While She Sleeps or the progressive-influenced route as seen by Architects, Northlane and The Ongoing Concept. And with such company, it takes a lot to step up and be noticed.


The challenge now falls to Lincoln-based quartet Deliverer, with their debut EP Illuminate.


Falling on the side of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, Deliverer offer big riff-ladened metalcore backed by expansive synths that are often difficult to make feel comfortable, but comfortable they are on Illuminate. Whether it's a haunting background for opener A Perfect Tragedy, or the subject of the main melody behind rap metal-influenced track Damaged Time, the electronics do not overstay their welcome, a trap so many new bands fall into.

But an electronicore release this is not, with guitarist Scott Cooper taking centre stage with a technical prowess that makes a grown man's fingers shudder. Vocalist Jack Richardson then bursts in with his harsh vocals, possessing an impressive range that could sit comfortably in both stripped-back hardcore à la Touché Amoré and the more groovy Killswith Engage-style metalcore.


It's the experimentation with clean vocals though where naivety starts to show through. Handled by bassist Josh Adam and Drummer Willem Rivers, the cleans do take a couple of listens to get used to, with predominantly harsh-free closer Demons undoubtedly their finest performance once you get there. But the previously-mentioned rap metal-tinged Damaged Time is at the opposite end. With a vocal performance demanding a far more erratic, beat-heavy composition, the track feels out of place when compared to the other four tracks.

Overall, this is a strong start for a band in its infancy. Technical guitar-work, with a bouncy rhythm section and a versatile vocalist, Deliverer are seemingly not afraid to experiment outside the boundaries of djent-tinged metalcore, a feat becoming increasingly rarer as this resurgence continues.


FFO: Architects, Pteroglyph, Napoleon, The Human Abstract