Musicians Of The World! Why Aren't Your Songs Being Heard?

By Nina Cresswell /

The Internet has become the most powerful tool we possess today. If you want to be heard, the World Wide Web is your greatest stage. With this in mind, Musixstars is a simple yet genius solution to undiscovered musicians. The new online social video network will be launched in March 2014 and will give artists a wide platform to showcase their talents. With YouTube showcasing millions of videos on anything and everything; it's often difficult to be seen amidst the sea of cute animal videos. Musixstars is a site entirely devoted to musical discovery: users can upload videos and pitch against each other, whilst viewers vote who is better with a reward of stars. The video with the most stars in the 'Musixbattle' will win a monetary award, recording time and, of course, online exposure. Getting your songs heard from the comfort of your own bedroom? Sounds good to us!
