Shuffle and Stories Episode 5

By Jay Gary /

Shuffle and Stories is an attempt to get a more personal look on why we feel the way we do about music. Music is like art, subjective, and that means that everyone has a different way at looking at one album or band. Every week I€™ll pick from one of ten songs when my library is on shuffle and talk about the music but also talk about why I personally like it or tell any personal stories regarding the music. I at one point of my time was a high school student; as such I really liked Metal music. All the dumb 80€™s Hair Metal bands, any and all Thrash Metal bands, and of course who didn€™t enjoy Power Metal? My guitar friends and I all worshiped at the shrines of virtuosos like Steve Vai and John Petrucci back then, mesmerized by their ability to play every note on the fretboard in the time it took for us to find a G chord. Over the years I fell out of metal greatly, I discovered that Hardcore was a thousand times more intense and Jazz was like hearing a whole band of people showcase great mastery of their instruments. However I still enjoyed hearing the sick sweeping of virtuoso guitarists, be it the shredding of Steve Vai, the bluesy smoothness of Robin Trower, or the Latin-tinged compositions of PeerGynT LoboGris PeerGynT is a crazy guitarist but I think the thing PeerGynT is the best at is releasing crazy amounts of content, all of which is free on the internet under Creative Commons. While it can be found at a lot of places I think the best place to gaze upon the spectacle of all this man€™s albums is Not only does it have an astonishing amount of music for download but also shows a list of his full discography and I€™m not even going to try to count that. It€™s a feat of magic that this man hasn€™t run out of ways to combine notes on the guitar yet.If you can ignore the terrible audio quality and the fact the video desyncs in a matter of seconds this is one of my favorite PeerGynt songs and watching him play it makes me never want to touch my guitar again for how unworthy I am. As much as I say I€™m over Metal music watching the blazing (and, more importantly, carefully crafted emotionally engaging) guitar work PeerGynt showcases gives me those little guitarist butterflies in my stomach. While this video has much better audio and a much cleaner video for seeing how gracefully he hits all those notes (seriously, he flows as smooth as water. He only looks at his guitar when he feels like it) it still desyncs towards the end, PeerGynT needs to stop dropping all his dosh on music stuff and invest in a good camera. Regardless, just watching the man work his art is phenomenal and I could only one day dream of being a guitarist with such soulful shredding as him. While sadly there is no video for it one of my favorite songs which showcases the diversity of PeerGynT€™s talent is The Alchemist. Sure the man can deliver tasty licks left and right but he also has great ability in making more New Age ambient music and I must say I am a huge fan of hearing his work with an acoustic guitar. I have 30 releases from PeerGynT LoboGris and I haven€™t gotten any of my hands on his stuff in years so I€™m probably behind the curve on his releases, regardless he stands next to Robin Trower as one of my favorite guitarists ever and with the near-entirety of his gargantuan discography free for download there is little excuse for anyone to get in on what PeerGynT is cooking.