Up And Coming Band Feature - Trails Interview

As part of a new feature for the music section, we'll be showcasing up-and-coming bands who we think will make a name for themselves.

By Rhys Milsom /

As part of a new feature for the music section, we'll be showcasing up-and-coming bands who we think will make a name for themselves. The first band to be featured are Trails. TrailsTrails are a four-piece band, who play an energetic collision swaying between melodic vocals and heavyweight riffs. They recently released a self-titled debut EP which has been given rave reviews by Rock Sound, Kerrang and Punktastic, along with others, and they've played with The Computers, Gay For Johnny Depp, Arcane Roots and POLAR. amongst other noiseniks. So, before the guys get any bigger, and busier, we asked them for an interview and they kindly gave us one. Cheers lads. InterviewWC: For people who might not have heard about you guys before, can you give us some history about the band? How did you first have the idea of forming Trails? And how long have you been together as a band? First there was the big bang, then ideas began forming. There were fundamental stepping stones such as matter, the formation of planets, the evolution of man, Cher and American football, but really I think Trails was God's master plan all along. We've been flailing manically into the universal abyss for 465 days and a wink.WC: How many releases have you got out there? Are you signed? Our debut EP is OUT NOW and available direct from trails.bigcartel.com. We are currently unsigned and DIY to the max. We release our own music, book our own shows, make our own videos and manage ourselves. It's nice to be in control.WC: What's next for you guys? Any tours planned? Our new single was released on 19th March. You can check out the video at wearetrails.com and you can download it from trailsofficial.bandcamp.com, which we would massively appreciate as we self fund everything we do, so people paying for our music, even if it's only £1 each, helps us to stay afloat in a world of floaters and keep producing rock gems.WC: Who are your favourite bands? Main influences? So many but here's an honest taster: Brand New, The Mars Volta, Propagandhi, Queen, RX Bandits, Biffy Clyro, Sikth, Spandau Ballet.WC: If you could describe your sound, what would it be? The Holy Grail of rock. Music to smash your nan to. The auralization of power.WC: Do you have any funny band stories? Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.WC: Favourite gig you€™ve played so far? Favourite bands to play with? We played with Arcane Roots at The Barfly, that was pretty great, and they're excellent guys.WC: Do you drink on stage? Or do you prefer to play sober, and get shitfaced after the gig? It's important to have a drink on stage at all times so you can kick it all over your equipment.WC: What do you guys do outside of Trails? Dance. So, do the boys a favour and music in general. Like them on Facebook, buy something from their online store or just go and see them play if they're coming near you. They can carry on making music videos like this then. http://youtu.be/GWsq5Vf2QkM
