WE ARE AUGUSTINES: The Best New Band of 2012?

Can the Brooklyn-based rockers channel their undoubted potential and take on the world? New single "Book of James" suggests they just might...

By Simon Gallagher /

Every year, towards Christmas time, music journalists go mad about calling the Next Big Thing for the coming year - usually, they're wrong (I once gloriously called the forthcoming success of Bloc Party, but noone believed I had). And this year is no different. Except, I feel like I've got a banker this time - a dead cert for fame and glory for the coming year. We Are Augustines. Remember the name. Though you won't have to very soon, because they'll be everywhere. The the Brooklyn-based band formed by ex-Pela members Billy McCarthy and Eric Sanderson (with Rob Allen on drums) are currently touring with Scottish rockers Glasvegas, and that prestigious slot is befitting a musical act of their considerable potential. Look out for them in 2012, we expect major things from them inside the next twelve months. Debut Album "Rise Ye Sunken Ships" is a monumental personal achievement for lead vocalist/guitarist McCarthy€™s, as it documents a particularly turbulent period of his life in which he lost both his schizophrenic mother and his brother, James, to suicide. According to Division Promotions, who are handling the album release:
€œHeadlong Into The Abyss€ recounts James€™ flight from the police while €œBook of James,€ one of several songs recorded with producer Dave Newfeld (Broken Social Scene), is a gripping eulogy for this once-resilient spirit who succumbed to the pressures bearing down on him from both within and without. €œThe Instrumental,€ a transcendent, richly textured piece written by bassist/keyboardist Sanderson, closes out Rise Ye Sunken Ships on a note of hope, suggesting that struggle can ultimately point the way to peace.
And based on what I've heard so far, I have reason to whole-heartedly agree. They meld an uplifting indie rock feel - not a million miles away from Editors - with an emotional poignancy that adds weight and intrigue to their songs. Seriously, search them out live if possible, and definitely pick up their new single. Anyway, here's the new single, which has been picking up a lot of heat recently, and definitely deserves the attention... http://youtu.be/zsw4Xp8Fl3A "Book of James" is available to buy from 7th November, with debut album €˜Rise Ye Sunken Ships€™ set to be released March 5th 2012 on Oxcart Records. . Remaining Tour Dates with Glasvegas: Wednesday 26th October - Brighton , The Old Market Thursday 27th October - Manchester, Club Academy Saturday 29th October - Sheffield, Leadmill Sunday 30th October - York, Duchess Monday 31st October - Glasgow, ABC