10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

You are amazing. But so is everybody else.

By Stevie Shephard /

Hey, wanna see the most complex machine on Earth, controlled by the most powerful computer known to man?


Look in the mirror.

The human body is amazing. The brain can process millions of bits of data in the blink of an eye, the heart can pump blood around 100,000 miles of blood vessels and your stomach acid could easily dissolve metal.

There are some incredible milestones in the lifespan of one human body that make it amazing, like giving birth or repairing broken bones, but there are some things that the body does every day that you wouldn't even think about, but you'd definitely miss them if they stopped. 

Everything from powering hundreds of your muscles to simply keeping you standing upright is all in a day's work for the body, and most of its amazing feats would pass you by without you ever noticing.

The human body is so complex that we're only just beginning to properly understand it, and we've still got long way to go. With everybody from neuroscientists poking about in your brain to endocrinologists figuring out how your hormones work, we're still trying our very hardest to unravel the secrets of our own amazing bodies, and what we've discovered so far is pretty cool.

10. Literally Tastes Your Pee

You don't just keep you taste receptors in your mouth, you know. The specialized cells that help you detect what is ice cream and what is poison can be found all over the body.


These cells have been discovered in places such as your heart, spine, blood and even your kidneys. In fact, let's just take a moment to be thankful for the fact that we don't experience taste in our kidneys in that same way that we do in our mouth, considering that our kidneys are mostly tasting our pee.

Each kidney contains around a million filters and each has around 1.3 litres of blood pushed through them every minute and they can produce around 1.5 litres of urine in a day. Every single drop of this pee has to by tasted by the kidneys to find out its chemical makeup and keep the rest of the body in balance.

It is thought that these taste and smell receptors all around the body are there to detect everything that goes in, out and around your system, sending signals to the brain to make adjustments as needed. These adjustments could either be "spit that out, it's poison" or "drink more water, the kidneys are telling me you're thirsty" (or "bleurgh, I'm so sick of tasting pee").
