10 Bizarre Realities Of Being Blind, Explained By A (Super Chill) Blind Guy

Everything you've ever wondered about being blind ... and a lot more.

By Stevie Shephard /

Tommy Edison XP

Tommy Edison is a YouTuber that really makes you think.


Tommy has been blind since birth, thanks to an underdeveloped optic nerve. Rather than the usual makeup tutorials, unboxing videos, gaming walkthroughs and god knows what else lurking in the endless servers of YouTube, he uses his channel to offer his unique perspective on the world as a blind man.

Most of his videos address the issues that would never even occur to a sighted person - should you wrap a gift for a blind person? How do you explain colours to someone who has never seen them? How do blind people dream?


Because he also happens to be the chillest dude in the universe, Tommy also answers the burning questions from sighted viewers, that would be straight up rude to ask a blind person in real life (yes, including that age old mystery, how to blind people tell when they're done wiping).

Tommy started out after becoming frustrated with the amount of visual language used by film critics, so he began doing movie reviews under the name of the Blind Film Critic, and proved once and for all that you don't need to be able to see to know that Bad Teacher is a terrible film.


Oh, and he's also the king of dad jokes. Seriously, it's like a superpower.