10 Creepiest Government Secrets

Trust no one. Especially not the government. Any government!

By Jay Anderson /

Momentum Pictures

We expect dictatorships and well-known corrupt governments to have some pretty creepy "secrets" - but it's more disturbing when it's a government of a supposedly "free" society that has some dastardly deeds quieted up. The government has hidden some pretty disturbing secrets in the past. What government, you ask? Well, all of them quite frankly. It's rare that any major government, from any part of the world, is innocent of some pretty dirty deeds. Most of the time, they're acting "in your best interest" while invading your privacy, crushing civil liberties, or much, much worse.


The U.S. government is a top offender (unsurprisingly, it's hardly a secret), but the U.K., Australia, Canada, France, and countless others - they've all done their part to walk the line of morally reprehensible governing, with very little in the way of consequences. The creepiest thing is no doubt this: despite knowing all these secrets (which are clearly not so secret any longer), there's very little we can do, because the alternatives are just as corrupt, devious, and power hungry. Lets take a look at ten of the creepiest government secrets (that we know of!).

10. FBI Used LulzSec Hackers To Spy On Allies

Wikimedia Commons

It's unclear whether this is creepy or just plain dumb, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation utilized hackers from LulzSec in spying on allies and other nations over the past couple of years, no doubt violating all sorts of international laws in the process. LulzSec (short for Lulz Security) was a hacker group offshoot of the Anonymous movement, so-called hacktivasts who mixed general anarchy and political protest together.


Their leader, Hector Monsegur, known as Sabu, was collared early on by the FBI, and turned informant against the group he supposedly led. For his cooperation, Monsegur was sentenced to only time served and supervised release, in essence getting just seven months in prison for his crimes. However, lesser known is the fact that the FBI used Monsegur to spy on allies.

According to a report by The Daily Dot, "Databases containing the login credentials, financial details, and private emails of foreign citizens, and in some cases government agents, were exfiltrated by hackers tasked by Monsegur to do as much damage as possible. At Monsegur€™s instruction, the stolen data was routinely uploaded to a server under the FBI€™s control, according to court statements."
