10 Famous People Who Have Killed Someone

Be shocked at how lenient some of these sentences were.

By Chris Waugh /

Famous figures are often accused of getting off lightly when they commit a criminal offence - with many believing celebrities' public profile wrongfully permits them greater leniency in the eyes of the law. Although it may still not be entirely ethical if a celebrity gets off lightly for a minor offence like speeding on the motorway or possessing drugs, it is certainly not acceptable for them to be shown leniency if they are complicit in someone's death just because they are famous. Yet, in some cases, the opposite can be true - and famous figures can be made an example of when they commit such serious offences in order for the authorities to prove that they are tough on crime, no matter who the perpetrator is. Everyone knows about Oscar Pistorius' famous case when he shot his girlfriend on Valentine's Day - but what about the other recognisable figures who have killed people? What about boxing promoter Don King, who has been involved in the death of two people? Or what about The Who's legendary drummer Keith Moon, who accidentally ran over his own bodyguard? And what sort of sentence, if any, did these celebrities actually receive? Well, here are 10 famous figures who have killed - or been involved in the death of - at least one person.