10 Hacks That Every Bartender Needs To Know

Man, that was a really pleasant shift... said no one, ever.

By Martin Mallon /

Bartending... the idealistic dreams of weaving bottles of vodka and beautiful cocktails before a crowd aghast... Really?!? The reality of a bartender€™s life is often a far-cry from those guys who set-up thatched stalls on Hawaiian beaches, cheering to the rhythm of coconut bras clocking together. Owing to their depicting in modern pop culture, its easy to see why many hold a misconception of what a bartender's life actually entails. With iconic roles in Hollywood movies and their staple presence in US sitcoms, the job may seem glamorous and the life happy-go-lucky - surrounded by friends and alcohol in a constant state of merriment. Sadly, however, the bartender's life and duties aren't as carefree as Carl's from MacLaren's (How I Met Your Mother) or as the cast of Cheers would have you believe! Although it offers its perks and moments of hilarity (as you snide at customers from behind the bar), bartending is a minimum wage industry, demanding long unsociable hours, whilst becoming an increasingly technical job with a difficult and demanding customer-base. Bartending is a decidedly difficult job to take that often leaves one physically and mentally exhausted. This list of bartending tips, however, will offer an insight into the everyday challenges faced by the modern bartender. From frivolous cocktail specifications to the enviably technical questions you will face about whiskies and wines, we countdown 10 Bartending Hacks to Save the Day.