10 Nightmarishly Disgusting Foods You'd Definitely Be Way Too Chicken To Try

Warthog's anus anyone?

By Ellen McGann /

Some people will put literally anything in their mouths. When you think that your average jalapeƱo pepper measures at a mere 5,000 on the Scoville scale, one might think twice before attempting the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (which measures at a 2,000,000, by the way). Or how about one of China's infamous 1,000 year-old eggs, or a giant tuna eyeball for breakfast? Yeah... not exactly nice. If you want to know what would happen if you ate the world's hottest chilli, or what rotten shark meat smells like or literally the worst things that people around the world actually call food, then look no further. Whether you're a bit of an adventurous foodie or just someone with a very strong stomach, you should check out some of these unusual cuisines that are actually eaten around the world.

10. Monkey Brains

When this topic comes up, you'd probably immediately picture the scene with the monkey's brains from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", and you're not exactly wrong. Eating monkey brains might be something of an urban legend, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that people really do eat monkey brains, and that they are even considered a delicacy in China and other parts of the world. There are all kinds of rumours that surround the preparation too; some people are said to eat them cooked, some eat them raw and there are apparently people out there who eat them straight from the monkey's head. In Indonesia, it is believed that eating monkey's brains will cure erectile dysfunction, so if you're planning on cooking a romantic meal for two this valentine's day, why not give these a try? Monkey brains may be a good aphrodisiac (if you're into that sort of thing) but unfortunately they're not good for much else. As you can probably imagine, munching on the brains of man's closest cousins can expose you to a whole host of neurological diseases, which can be fatal, not to mention that it would probably make you feel a bit sick too.